Governor Zhou Jinxing of Yanbian Prefecture, Jilin Province and his delegation came to our company for investigation
On October 11, 2019, governor Zhou Jinxing of Yanbian Prefecture, accompanied by colleagues from the governor's office of Jilin Province, visited our compan...
Our company will participate in the 2019 Guangzhou International hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicle and hydrogenation station equipment exhibition
Hydrogen energy is a widely used, clean and safe energy carrier, which can be used as power fuel or industrial raw materials. From September 11 to 14, 2019, the...
Leadership inspection - lieutenant general xingshucheng came to our company to guide the work
On March 26, lieutenant general xingshucheng (former deputy commander of the Guangzhou Military Region), now a member of the Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overse...
Overseas cooperation - fruitful trip to Malaysia
On march11,2019, gaojiming, the general manager of the company, and zhanglichun, the R & D Manager, had a technical exchange with the fuel project expert gr...
Leadership inspection - gaobuwen, deputy general manager of China Tower Group, led a team to inspect Dongguan alcohol water fuel cell power generation demonstration base station
On the afternoon of July 25, 2018, gaobuwen, deputy general manager of China Tower Group, jiangyanji, general manager of energy innovation center, chengjiwei, g...
A new way out for fuel cell heavy trucks: -- a new breakthrough in on-board methanol hydrogen production technology of Guangdong nengchuang Technology Co., Ltd
Nowadays, the global environmental pollution is intensifying, especially the automobile exhaust emission has seriously affected the atmospheric environment. Man...
Hydrogen: a renewable energy perspective
Clean hydrogen is enjoying unprecedented political and commercial momentum, and the number of policies and projects around the world is expanding rapidly. Furth...
The high-power vehicle fuel cell powertrain system for hydrogen production from methanol reforming has entered the testing stage
The fuel cell powertrain system developed by Guangdong nengchuang Technology Co., Ltd. for high-power vehicle methanol reforming hydrogen production has made br...
Opening of the International Conference on hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicles, China on the 26th, more than 1500 guests from the United Nations Development Programme, the EU fuel cell and hydrogen energy cooperation organizati...